Pacific Bowmen Inc.

Gold Coast Field Archery Club

 Archery - the sport the whole family can enjoy.

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  • Coaching/New Shooters/Intro Day

Coaching/New Shooters/Intro Day

  • 11 Jan 2025
  • 7:45 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Pacific Bowmen Inc. 83 Gemvale Rd, Mudgeeraba Qld
  • 7


  • Coaching for anyone new to archery and wanting to learn. Also for those with some experience and looking to join Pacific Bowmen Inc, so your proficiency can be assessed.

    $60 cash per adult, $40 cash per child. Payable to the coach on the day.
  • Coaching for anyone new to archery and wanting to learn. Also for those with some experience and looking to join Pacific Bowmen Inc, so your proficiency can be assessed.

    $60 cash per adult, $40 cash per child. Payable to the coach on the day.

Registration is closed

Please register here. 

Coaching day for anyone who wants to experience archery and forms part of the requirements for anyone wanting to become a full member of Pacific Bowmen Gold Coast. 

$60 Adults $40 Children under 18 years. Cash paid on the day.

7.45  sharp start

Receipt given

Enclosed shoes

Bring water sunscreen and hat

If you have your own gear bring along

Bow inspection required

Children under 15 are to accompanied by a parent or guardian.


7:45 am  Registration and equipment issued 

8 am Safety induction 

8:30 am Bow and arrow familiarization

9 am discussion on correct form, bow grip, anchor point and aiming, explaing gap shooting

9.15 On the range explaining safety line procedure, shooting safely  with one on one instruction

10 am Legal requirements discussion

10:15 Back on the coaching range

10:45 to 11:30 Tryout on lower range

11:30 Finish and feed back

Pacific Bowmen Inc.
83 Gemvale Rd Mudgeerba QLD 4213.

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